
Poll of the Month : March 2012

As we all know that PHP team has released the PHP 5.4 on March 1 2012. PHP 5.4 comes with lots of bug fixes and number of new features. Here you can find the list of all features added in PHP 5.4.

As in linked article we can see that we have numbers of new features, But the question is Are we still ready to upgrade to PHP 5.4?

Are we ready to go with PHP 5.4?

[polldaddy poll=6059015]

Share your thoughts over here on this question.

My personal thinking is that, there is still much time needed to get the PHP 5.4 in production environment. My suggestion is that, only use PHP 5.4 only if you really need some of its features like Traits, Session Status, etc.

  • Johan N. Andersen
    March 21, 2012 at 12:28 am

    I don’t see any reason to wait upgrading?

  • Johan N. Andersen
    December 20, 2019 at 2:53 pm

    I don’t see any reason to wait upgrading?

  • Álvaro Carneiro
    Álvaro Carneiro
    March 23, 2012 at 8:24 pm

    I think the same as johan.
    PHP 5.4 It’s more fast and comes with a server for development purposes.

    About PHP 5.4 I personally like (besides the speed) traits. It works perfect to me for example to work with CRUD something like this:

  • Álvaro Carneiro
    Álvaro Carneiro
    December 20, 2019 at 2:53 pm

    I think the same as johan.
    PHP 5.4 It’s more fast and comes with a server for development purposes.

    About PHP 5.4 I personally like (besides the speed) traits. It works perfect to me for example to work with CRUD something like this:


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