Web Development

Best Place for ASP Web Hosting

Few days back I was searching for a good hosting provider for hosting ASP website. Nowadays it’s very tough to search for the ASP web hosting provider. It’s tough but not impossible.

Let me give you brief introduction to ASP especially for those who are newly jumped into the web programming world. They might have not used ASP any more.

ASP Introduction

In Programming world “ASP” stands for Active Server Page. I don’t know about the other sector what it stands. :)

ASP is a Microsoft technology which was started late 1998. ASP enables users to create web pages very easily and efficiently in those days. Earlier version of ASP was known as Classic ASP. As the time goes this ASP is now converted to ASP.Net. There are still some applications which are running very nice using ASP.

Pre Check while getting ASP Hosting

This section is totally written from past experience while searching for ASP hosting, after purchasing the plan they open their privacy policy like they do not provide this module, extension, etc.

If you are planning to get the hosting specially for the application which is running on ASP, then I would recommend you to list out your requirements first (each and every small requirements) and have that confirmed first with the hosting provider which you have chosen.

The main reason behind that ASP is old technology now and most of the developers are refuses to use it. So ultimately hosting provider will also have less interest in that. So make sure that hosting provider have each and every modules and extensions available which you need with required version.

From Where to Buy ASP Hosting?

After lots of search I have found one good website (WebHostingSearch.com) which gives me proper direction and list of service providers who provides the ASP Web Hosting.

This website compares different ASP Web Hosting Providers and gives you the results based on your need. So you can have clear vision on selection of ASP Web Hosting Providers.

You can use this website to compare any types of hosting, whether it is Windows Hosting, Linux Hosting, and Word press hosting, etc.


As an end up note I would like to suggest that if you are really looking in search for ASP web hosting then do prepare all your requirements and then confirm with the web hosting provider before signing the documents or making the payments.


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