Web Development

Get Browser Viewport size with JavaScript

This is quick article related to JavaScript we will see how we can get browser viewport size using Core JavaScript, MooTools and jQuery.

Core JavaScript

[cc lang=”javascript”]
// Get Browser Viewport Width
var width = window.innerWidth ||
document.documentElement.clientWidth ||

// Get Browser Viewport Height
var height = window.innerHeight ||
document.documentElement.clientHeight ||



[cc lang=”javascript”]
// Get Browser Viewport Width
var width = $(window).width();

// Get Browser Viewport Height
var height = $(window).height();


[cc lang=”javascript”]
// Get Browser Viewport Width
var width = window.getSize().x;

// Get Browser Viewport Height
var height = window.getSize().y;

Hope you find this quick tip helpful, Also consider sharing the same thing for other JavaScript frameworks.


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