Web Development

Getting Started with MooTools

Recently I have started writing for JSPro.com, jspro.com is the only website which is fully dedicated to only and only JavaScript. On that site I have planned to contribute and here I come with the very first article on that site.

In this article I have started MooTools from very basic and have planned to go to expert level step by step. So here is the short summary of the article.

This tutorial introduces one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks today, MooTools. MooTools, which stands for My Object Oriented Tools, is compatible with Internet Explorer 6+, Firefox, Opera and Chrome. MooTools is designed to be compact, modular, and of course, object oriented. MooTools is designed for intermediate to expert JavaScript programmers, so make sure you have enough experience before diving in.

In this article I have covered below points:

  1. Getting MooTools
  2. Element Selectors
  3. The DomReady Event
  4. Element Creation
  5. Event Binding
  6. Browser Detection

You can get full details for each of the above topic in this full article.


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