Web Development

Good Bye Dennis Ritchie

C programming language

Dennis Ritchie the inventor of C programming language left us very silently. Dennis Ritchie usually knows as [code]dmr[/code].

Dennis Ritchie has created the C programming langauge with Ken Thompson. He has also developed the UNIX Operating System which powers all things on web now a days.

This article basically to share one small snippet of C language dedicated to Dennis Ritchie, I have not written this but I found on web and would like to share with all my readers.

Dennis Ritchie
Image from : bell-labs

Good Bye Dennis Ritchie

[cc lang=’c’]
int main()
printf(“goodbye, dad”);
return 0;

  • […] He wrote several books on UNIX and C. His book on “C” (he cowrote the book with Brian Kernigan) has been read by so many aspiring Software Engineers (including me) and has sold so many copies. Mouse here for Related LinksGood Bye Dennis Ritchie […]

  • Nagarajan
    November 11, 2011 at 12:14 pm

    Hi Dennis Ritchie , you are the God for all modern programming languages. you are the pioneer to all guys(microsoft,google, etc….)

    RIP Dennis

    • Antti
      May 24, 2012 at 11:18 pm

      Yes, it seems they are. Also seems funnier then poruievs “Sherlock Holmes” movies. LOL, love the part with the big guy with the giant hammer.


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