Google tests 1GBps broadband network

Google will launch a 1G-bps broadband network for faculty homes on Stanford University’s campus in 2011.

Google have done a deal with Stanford University to build a broadband network providing Internet speeds of up to 1G bps for 850 homes owned by faculty and staff on the campus.

The experiment, expected to start in early 2011, is the latest in Google’s effort to test how ultra high-speed broadband access might work in homes.

Google is the major search engine which depends on fast broadband connection to make sure that its application serve customer effectively manner. In February they said it is planned to test such networks in American Communities serving 50,000 to 500,000 people.

Google Fiber Product Manager James Kelly made it clear that the Stanford network “is completely separate from our community selection process for Google Fiber, which is still ongoing.”

The test will allow Google to play with its new fiber optic technologies, normally the purview of broadband carriers such as Verizon, Comcast and AT&T, as well as the networking gear providers who make the equipment.

Populating speedy broadband networks can help Google TV, as well as boost the company’s Web apps and services, such as YouTube.

Source : eWeek

About the Author: Avinash

Experienced full stack freelance web developer with a track record of producing excellent results for 11+ years. Excellent communication and collaboration skills, managing with a team of 20+ people. I’m motivated to make a positive impact on your revenue through the customer web portal development project.


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