Web Development

Welcome WordPress 3.5

Great News!!!!!

WordPress 3.5 is now here and ready to use. So I would like you to share what new things we can have in WordPress 3.5.

Introducing WordPress 3.5

This newest version of WordPress is called as Elvin, in honour of drummer Elvin Jones.

Make sure you take backup of you database and content before upgrading.

New Media Manager

Adding media has been streamlined and made easy in terms of User Experience. We can insert multiple images at once with Shift/Ctrl + Click.

Image Gallery

Creating image galleries is faster with drag and drop reordering, inline caption editing, and simplified controls for layout.

The new galleries shortcode will come in handy!

Introducing Twenty Twelve Theme

The newest default theme for WordPress is simple, flexible, and elegant. It’s also fully mobile responsive and looks great on any device.

Improved Security

Plugins which were incorrectly (insecurely) calling the [code]wpdb::prepare()[/code] function will now generate a visible error to your website. While these plugins are no more dangerous today than they were yesterday, they do present a security risk and should not be used until patched as they make the site too easy to hack.

Welcome Text tab, Goodbye HTML Tab

The tab is for HTML and seemed correctly named to me although perhaps intimidating to novices. The only thing this really accomplished, I feel, is to make it congruent with the “Text Widget” which also supports html.

Retina Ready

The WordPress dashboard now looks beautiful on high-resolution screens. Icons and other visual elements are crystal clear and full of detail.

So these are the new features added to the WordPress 3.5. Do consider commenting if I have missed any new feature.


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