Simple Image Placeholder Service

Today I have found a very nice site with very useful service. They are providing dummy image placeholder for web page. So i thought to share with all.

The site is [code][/code].

Earlier I have posted about generating dynamic dummy images. This site gives same functionality with some better features.

Lets see how this works.

Load Default Placeholder

Default placeholder can be loaded easily by just passing width and height.

[cc lang=”html”]



Diffrent Image Format

By default this will provide a gif image. But we can change that to either png, jpg or jpeg by just passing an extension.

[cc lang=”html”]


Add Your Own Text

By default image will contain dimension of the images we have requested. But we can add our own text on image too. By passing just text parameter as shown below. You need to replace spaces with the + sign.

[cc lang=”html”]



Modify Color of the Image

Its not done yet. You can modify the background color and text color also to make suitable for your web page. One thing needs to keep is mind is that color should be declared after dimension only.

[cc lang=”html”]



Visit for more information.


This type of service will very useful while you are creating a mockups for your webpages and you do not have original images to place.
What you think?. If you know about any other services like this, please consider to share with us.

  • Kenney
    February 4, 2012 at 3:01 am

    I really like this type of service, and would share It provides similair functionality as the one mentioned, but also supports custom text size and style, as well as gradient shading on the placeholders.

  • Debora
    September 13, 2012 at 3:07 pm

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    liκe this web site. He used to b&#1077 tot&#1072lly right.

    This post a&#1089tu&#1072lly m&#1072d&#1077 my d&#1072&#1091.
    You can not believe &#1109impl&#1091 hoω a lot time I had &#1109pent for this info!


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