Tips & Tricks

Magento: Get Payment Method name using Order ID

Best Ecommerce Platform

In this quick tip we will see how how we can get Payment Method name using the Magento Order ID.

This will be very useful when you dealing with creating your own extension. Here article title is self explanatory that we are trying to accomplish, so without wasting time let’s look at the code block.

[cc lang=”php”]
$order = new Mage_Sales_Model_Order();
$order_id = ‘00000001’;

$payment_method = $order->getPayment()->getMethodInstance()->getTitle();

This is so easy, isn’t it? Do you have any better method than above to get Payment Method name from Order ID in Magento.

  • Adam Jhon
    Adam Jhon
    May 18, 2013 at 12:03 pm

    Avinash, it’s the simplest and easiest method to get payment method “Magento Order ID”. Thanks for sharing quality stuff.

    Vancouver Designer

  • alandot spiders
    alandot spiders
    October 17, 2013 at 12:21 pm

    thank you for sharing such a great and informative article with us,your article makes the payment work easy through magento order id,

  • Mohit Arora
    Mohit Arora
    December 10, 2016 at 5:31 pm

    Nice article.

    Thanks for sharing.


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