
Poll of the Month – August 2012

This month’s poll is about to get idea of most Liked feature of the HTML5. No doubt HTML5 is the great thing around in the web now a days.

But it arrived with so many new features and functionality. So all people like the HTML5 for one or another reason. So in this POLL I am going to list out some major features of HTML5 so we can get idea of which feature is most liked among the developers and designers.

By the way I have written one article which is one of the feature which is introduced along with the HTML5. Actually this will require more of JS stuff. You can check this article here for HTML5 Notification. And yes one more article on another feature which is Editable Content.

Which HTML5 Feature you Like Most?

[polldaddy poll=6446726]

Please let me know if any other features which I missed and are eligible for voting.

Stay tuned with us for more interesting polls.

  • MM
    August 8, 2012 at 12:32 am

    Web workers are not fully featured YET, right?

  • MM
    December 20, 2019 at 2:53 pm

    Web workers are not fully featured YET, right?

  • […] This month’s is about to get idea of most Liked feature of the CSS3. In previous month’s poll we have poll for HTML5 Features. […]


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