Web Development

What’s Coming Up With WordPress 3.6?

Here’s a quick update on what’s coming with the new WordPress which is version 3.6.


photo credit: Nikolay Bachiyski via photopin cc

Autosave and Post Locking

I would say this is the very good thinking from WordPress team. This feature was developed to make sure that user never lost their post. From WordPress 3.6 will use browser level storage for modern browser for autosave. This will be really helpful in case of Internet connection problem or browser crash.


As for post locking, if you arrive on a page that is currently being edited, you will be given the option to “take over” or go back.

Post Formats UI

The User Interface for post format is being improved, so you will get dropdown selection for post format and of course preview of the same.


The User Interface for comparing revisions is updated very minor, which includes easy interface that allow user easily move back and forth in revisions, colored text to indicate content that has been added or removed.


Menu has been updated in this version of wordpress for better UI and UX. User will have checkboxes to select where to show menus in theme and also help text and keyboard accessibility are added to rearrange menu items.


Hey, now let us know what you think about these feature update from WordPress team?


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