Web Development

Google Place Search : a faster and easier way to search local information

Google Place Search

How would you feel if you are able to find the local information? We all know Google is the most used search engine and also most used website in world now a days.

In previous days, if you want to search for specific result then, I have to make few numbers of searches. e.g.  I might search for a list of restaurants and then search for details about each place, like which one has the best atmosphere and live music.

But no problem at all Today Google have introduced the Place Search.

Google Place search is the new kind of search result that organize the world’s information around places. They have clustered search results around specific locations so we can make easily comparisons and can decide where to go.

For example if you are looking for great barbecue restaurant with live music. With Place Search you will get below:

Google Place Search
Google Place Search

The new results are marked with red pins, and each one is a unique restaurant with relevant information and links from across the web. We can see that Stubb’s has live music, and I can click citysearch.com, tripadvisor.com and other sites to read reviews. In the past, the same search would return links with information about Stubb’s in different parts of the results page (here’s a screenshot of what it used to look like). Now information is grouped conveniently to make it easier to digest and compare.

Place search will come into play automatically if Google found that you are looking for local information. Plus we will get new link “Places” in the left-hand panel of the search result page so we can switch to the results whenever we want.

For example, when I’m in New York, I love to go out and play foosball, but a search for [foosball] doesn’t automatically show me Place Search results. If I click “Places” I get the new view:

Google Place Search
Google Place Search

Google have made results like this possible by developing technology to better understand places. With Place Search, Google is dynamically connecting hundreds of millions of websites with more than 50 million real-world locations. They automatically identify when sites are talking about physical places and cluster links even when they don’t provide addresses and use different names (“stubb’s bbq” is the same as “stubbs bar-b-que”).

In our new layout we will find many more relevant links on a single results page—often 30 or 40. Instead of doing eight or 10 searches, often you’ll get to the sites you’re looking for with just one search. In testing Place Search saves people an average of two seconds on searches for local information.

Place Search is rolling out now and will be available globally in more than 40 languages in the next few days. During the roll-out process you can use this special link to preview the new results.

Google’s goal is to help you feel like a local everywhere you go!

Via: Google Blog


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