Web Development

New Features in PHP 5.4

On 1st of March 2012 PHP team has revealed the most awaited PHP 5.4. PHP 5.4 come up with number of new good featured and over 100 security bug fixes over older version.

Here I am writing this article to list out the things which are not supported/removed from PHP 5.4 and things which are newly added in PHP 5.4.

This time I am listing the things only, later I will post the full article for each of the newly added feature in PHP. For some points I have already posted the article for example, Traits in PHP 5.4, Session Status in PHP 5.4. For the remaining one I will post the articles later on.

Now let’s list out the things which are removed in PHP 5.4

Features Removed From PHP 5.4

  1. break() and continue() will no accept variable arguments
  2. safe_mode is no longer supported
  3. register_globals and register_long_arrays have been removed
  4. Magic Quotes are removed, Read this article for more details for Magic Quotes
  5. (object) null now throws a warning

Functions Removed from PHP 5.4

Here are the list of core functions which are removed from PHP 5.4

  1. define_syslog_variables()
  2. import_request_variables()
  3. session_is_registered()
  4. session_register()
  5. session_unregister()
  6. mysqli_bind_param()
  7. mysqli_bind_result()
  8. mysqli_fetch()

Removed Extension from PHP 5.4

  1. sqlite

Now I will listout the features and functions which are added in PHP 5.4.

Features Added in PHP 5.4

  1. session.upload directive
  2. default_charset is now UTF-8
  3. Binary Notation
  4. Short Hand Arrays, Full Article
  5. Traits, a very good article for Traits can be found here.
  6. Class Instantiation Chaining
  7. Session Status, Have a look at this article for session status in PHP 5.4
  8. Built in Web Server
  9. File Upload Tracking

Functions added in PHP 5.4

  1. hex2bin()
  2. http_Response_codes()
  3. get_declared_traits()
  4. getimagesizefromstring()
  5. trait_exists()
  6. header_register_callback()
  7. class_uses()
  8. session_status()
  9. session_register_shutdown()
  10. mysqli_error_list()
  11. mysqli_stmt_error_list()

New Reserved Keyword in PHP 5.4

  1. trait
  2. callable
  3. insteadof

So here is my finding for the PHP 5.4 new featured and remove features from the older version. Please correct me if anything goes wrong or something missing in above lists.

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  • […] previous article, you can find this features as a newly added feature in PHP 5.4. We can say that, this is not much […]

  • […] As we all know that PHP team has released the PHP 5.4 on March 1 2012. PHP 5.4 comes with lots of bug fixes and number of new features. Here you can find the list of all features added in PHP 5.4. […]

  • Alexis Christy
    Alexis Christy
    July 5, 2012 at 3:45 pm

    Thanks for sharing, this is a fantastic article.Really thank you! Really Cool.


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