Web Development

Short Hand Array in PHP

In previous article, you can find this features as a newly added feature in PHP 5.4. We can say that, this is not much big improvement for developers but this features has made PHP in paraller with other languages.

But still we can say that array(1,2,3) also a much easier to create an array. In short hand array we can create a new array just like [1,2,3].

So here not much to explain to going to example directly.

We will go throught both old and new version of declaring the array in PHP and using the same.

Array Before PHP 5.4

[cc lang=”php”]
$my_array = array(1,2,3);
echo $my_array[2]; // 3

Array with PHP 5.4

[cc lang=”php”]
$my_array = [1,2,3];
echo $my_array[2]; // 3

$my_array1 = [“element”=>1,2,3,”new_key”=>4];
echo $my_array1[“element”]; // 1

$my_array1 = [“element”=>”value”,2,3,”new_key”=>4];
echo $my_array1[“element”]; // value


So based on above example we can write below condition:

[cc lang=”php”]
array(1,2,3) = [1,2,3];
// Note:
// Above line can not be used in real code.
// This is just for demonstration


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