Web Design

Top reasons to choose HTML5 – Infographic

HTML5 is the most popular framework at the moment without doubt and with sound reason. HTML5 is fresh and devoid of unnecessary, winding codes that are ubiquitous to traditional web developers. A whiff of fresh air, HTML5 DocType chops off long lines of code and dirty head tags. Creating a clear and descriptive code is now much easier.

HTML5 makes sure that your webpage is compatible with all recent electronic gadgets. Complete audio and video support makes it possible to make your website look trendier and livelier. Smart storage areas and game development scopes is a walk in the park with the neat and precise coding. HTML5 is indeed a developer’s best friend.

Top Reasons to Choose HTML5 Right Now Infographic

The Infographic is the Courtesy of HTML5 Templates.

  • jon
    April 29, 2017 at 3:51 pm

    You have some great articles. I do not agree with your 2022 HTML5 optimium usage though. I would rather bet on 2018, I think things are moving much faster now and many browser set ups are now configured for automatic updating. For my own website I code purely for HTML5 I am not including any fallbacks – I don’t want to waste time supporting an increasingly small percentage and polluting my code when I can be spending that time supporting people who have moved with the times. Users need to upgrade pure and simple.

    The sooner we stop supporting old HTML the sooner people will upgrade – its a tipping point so let’s push and we can all stop wasting precious time. Sometimes new technology is best served by turning our backs on old technology.


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