Web Development

What Makes Magento a Unique Platform For Building an E-Store?

Availability of tons of extensions, in built SEO functionality, product and catalog browsing, analytics and management, and so on – these are some of the main features of Magento that make it a widely-acknowledged and preferred e-commerce platform among webmasters worldwide for building online stores.


Still not convinced if you should choose Magento for developing your e-commerce storefront? Then reading this post further will help you become familiar with some of the biggest reasons to make you understand: why you should favor Magento for your development project.

It’s Cost Competitive

Almost every person associated with the web world is aware of the fact that Magento is an open-source platform. This means that you can download Magento for free, and use it to build your online store having in built e-commerce functionality. What’s more? Unlike several e-commerce platforms Magento gives users access to a free version (i.e. Community Edition), as well as, a premium version (i.e. Enterprise Edition) for use to users.


Magento’s Community Edition is an ideal choice for retailers wanting to build smaller shops. However, merchants running a large-size business should opt for an Enterprise Edition instead, as they’ll require many additional e-commerce features – that the Community Edition can’t provide.

Additionally, Magento comes loaded with a library of extensions, both free and paid ones. You can add the extensions to your storefront to enhance its functionality. Also, there are free and premium Magento templates available for use online – that enables to modify the look and feel of a Magento powered store without much hassle.

Built-in SEO Features

The Magento development team very well knew about the significance of SEO (search engine optimization), and designed Magento to be SEO-friendly. And so, you don’t need to spend time on doing much to make your Magento online store search engine optimized. You can configure title, keywords, description, etc. for all the products, which gives you the ability to have better control over how search engines define your e-store’s product offerings. The same is the case with categories and content pages.

Furthermore, Magento comes integrated with Google Sitemap, making it easy for you to inform search engines about the products/services that are included within your online store.

Personalize Shoppers’ Experiences

With Magento, you can personalize your customers’ online shopping experience, and help them keep engaged to your store – right from the time when they visit your store till checkout because of the following Magento e-commerce functionalities:

  • You can target customers by including product images and product reviews – even if you’re running a standard Magento installation. Your customers can zoom in the product photos to have an enhanced view of how the product looks. Also, they can read reviews posted by other people, sharing their experience about the product they purchased from your store.


All these factors help increase new customers confidence in making a purchase. In fact, this also helps delivers outstanding shopping experience to your visitors.

  • Another way to engage your customers is to provide them with special offers, ideally discount coupons, gift cards and so on. This will you in creating “repeated customers” – the ones who’ll prefer to come to your e-store time and again. This may even help spread good reviews about your store across social media.

Provides Mobile-Friendly Solution

“Responsiveness” has become a hot topic of debate among website owners and developers alike. The explosion of Smartphones and tablets, and their growing usage over desktop computers increases the need for storefronts that are optimized for mobile (first), and can also work well on desktops.

Besides, Google update on making sites “mobile-friendly” has fueled the need to have sites that work great on mobile devices. And making your online store feature a responsive design will ensure that it will look stunning whether it is accessed by a mobile device or a desktop.

Fortunately, most of the Magento themes are responsive and allows to create a storefront optimized for mobile devices, allowing customers to shop even on-the-go. Basically, Magento enables to develop store with a mobile-friendly interface using HTML5 technology. In addition, your store will supports many different mobile platforms like iPhone, Android, etc.

Wrapping Up!

Hope that reading all of the above mentioned key points will definitely all your doubts whether you should choose Magento for building your e-commerce storefront or not. In case you’re having difficulty in making your Magento store tailored to meet your needs, then you can employ the services of a reliable and reputed Magento development firm that can help in creating an innovative and highly functional e-commerce storefront for you.


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