Web Development

How can Podcasting be Helpful for your WordPress Website?

Managing any website is typical as there are lots of aspects associated with it. From maintaining the website on a regular basis to updating the content, adding new design features etc. there is lots which need to be done. One such problem arises when you need to upload audios or videos onto your website. Doing it manually can waste a lot of effort as well as time, so a better option is to with Podcasting. It is a common term which is being used nowadays and allows you to upload files in a seamless way. That is why more and more website owners are making use of this concept.


If you are having a WordPress website, then nothing can be a better one as there are lots of Podcasting Plugins available which can do wonders for you. All you need to do is choose the Plug-Ins worth your website and get started. But all this requires knowledge and that is why we will talk about integrating Podcasting with WordPress, the top Plug-Ins that you can use and lots more.

Getting started with Podcasting

Podcasting has become the need of the hour as it helps to increase the traffic towards your website. With SEO approach in mind, Podcasting is definitely one of the effective tools. Once you have decided to integrate podcast into your website, the first thing you need to do is connect with a reputed provider. Make sure you opt for the right services or else the users will not be able to download any stuff from your podcast thus affecting the credibility of your website. As soon as a hosting provider is available, you can integrate the same onto your website with the help of the desired plug-in.


Top Plug-ins for Podcasting with WordPress site

WordPress site is definitely one of the most admired ones as it has the latest features which seek the attention of the users. With Podcasting being a hot topic in today’s scenario, the owners decided to introduce the plug-ins through Podcasting; it can be done easily and in a hassle-free manner. Here are some of the plug-ins that you can go for.

Libsyn podcast plugin

It is a time savvy plug-in which allows you to podcast to your stuff directly to the Libsyn account and automatic updates will be made to the RSS feed. Plugin link

Blubrry PowerPress

Hosting and managing podcasts are simple with effective tuning, allowing you to embed media from other sites etc. Plugin link

Seriously simple podcasting

If you are comfortable with the advance podcast setting, this plugin is excellent. You can handle multiple podcasts with unique RSS feed, shortcodes, widgets and lots more. Plugin link

Smart podcast player

Another appealing addition to your site with customization options, complete support for setting up, automatic updates, mobile friendly software etc. Plugin link


Top quality podcast feeds can be uploaded along with complete control on your website, video codecs, templates for personalization and much more. Plugin link


Ideal for big companies as well as the bloggers because who have fewer RSS feeds to be posted and still look forward to a well-organized site. Plugin link

Plug-in by TSG

You have the hosting tools available for podcasting, uploading the stuff, controlling it etc. Plugin link


Benefits of Podcasting with WordPress

If you are looking forward to a great marketing mantra, this is definitely the perfect approach. Some of the advantages that you will be able to enjoy are:-

More traffic

Today podcasts have become very popular and if you integrate it in your website, you are sure to get a high amount of traffic which in turn will boost the rank of your website and influence your sales as well. Thus by using the new features you can easily enhance the overall visibility of your WordPress website which seeks the attention of more users.

High conversion rate

Higher the traffic, more will be the chance to convert the traffic into sales. Thus by putting a little effort you will be able to convert traffic into leads thus resulting in high ROI. That is why it is important that you podcast quality stuff only which is appreciated by the users and they love to visit your website again and again.

Engage in a better way with your users

Podcasting has emerged as one of the brilliant solutions to convey your message to the customers in an attractive yet effective manner. This is the reason that podcasting with WordPress site is really doing well. You can not only share your content but audio and video files as well thus allowing you to handle the website in a seamless way.

Thus, you can say that one can create a great marketing channel with the Podcasting feature and give your website a new dimension. If you are looking forward to superb outcomes, it is high time that you go for this approach which is quite simple and gives excellent outcomes. Do not waste your time but use the different WordPress plug-ins which allows easy podcast to save you time.

Hope your efforts prove fruitful and offer numerous benefits. So get started now for an amazing marketing approach waiting for you.


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