Web Development

Leading PHP Frameworks Compared – Laravel vs Yii2!

There are several PHP frameworks that developers use for their web development and designing projects. Laravel and Yii2 are two leading PHP frameworks that experienced programmers prefer for varied reasons.

Laravel vs Yii2

In the famous PHP frameworks of this time, Laravel and Yii 2 are two highly competitive frameworks that come up with amazing capabilities which enhance the overall experience of web developers and programmers. Both of these PHP frameworks have some similarities and both have differences too. So, what are those aspects that make one PHP framework different or better from other? In this article, you get information on Laravel Vs Yii2. We have covered each aspect to give a thorough comparison of both PHP frameworks in detail. Before we present the comparison, just get an individual description of Laravel PHP framework as well as Yii2 PHP framework here.

An overview Of Yii 2 PHP Framework

As far as Yii 2 PHP framework is concerned, it is a great performer that is ideal for the fast development of advanced web apps. The features of Yii 2 framework enable programmers to implement high-level development projects such as web portals, forums, RESTful services of the web, CMS and much more. Like many other famous PHP frameworks, this framework is also made on model view controller design. The core Yii philosophy is elegant and simple code. It is a full-stack PHP framework which delivers several turnkey solutions like NoSQL databases, multi-level cache support, RESTful API, ActiveRecord, Query builder and much more.

It is a scalable framework that can be used to modify any section of a source code and using it, you can create extensions on your own. The prime purpose of Yii 2 framework is to deliver high-performance.

An overview Of Laravel PHP Framework

Laravel PHP framework is specifically made to support web applications with elegant and exquisite syntax. This framework eases up dealing with authentication, sessions, caching and routing. This PHP framework was initially meant to support all high-end PHP as well as other frameworks such as Sinatra, ASP.NET MVC and Ruby on Rails. Laravel framework is easily accessible and also, robust. It integrates many powerful tools that are used to build reliable and large sized apps. The tools integrated to Laravel framework include the integrated module testing system, great inversion of control and easy migration system.

Comparison between PHP Frameworks – Laravel Vs Yii 2

To compare these two frameworks properly, we should first compare common development features developed in each framework. Here, we have added every critical element to give a correct comparison of Laravel Vs Yii 2.

  • Requirements: Yii 2 framework is compatible with PHP 5.4 or higher versions only. However, Laravel framework can be used for PHP 5.4 or higher versions, PHP JSON extension and MCrypt PHP extension.
  • MVC support: Laravel supports MVC design and Yii 2 also, support MVC architecture.
  • Extensions: Laravel and Yii 2 both PHP frameworks are packed with several useful extensions. These extensions are designed for enhancing various functions. The extensions are crucial as they help to mediate all the issues as they act like a glove for programmers.
  • Object Relational Mapping: Yii 2 framework feature data access objects, Doctrine 2 through plugins and Active record pattern. And Laravel framework also supports all the ORM featured by Yii 2.
  • Testing: Yii 2 framework support PHP unit out of the box and Codeception testing. Though Laravel supports Symfony testing tools like BrowserKit, HttpKernel, and DomCrawler along with PHPUnit.
  • Debugging: The Laravel PHP Framework features multiple debugging options like logging, Imho which is limited yet can solve issues with Laravel-Debugbarextension and debugging console that comes with callbacks stack. Though Yii 2 framework comes with the comprehensive debugging console, database requests logging and multi-level logging options for debugging.
  • Migrations: Both of these leading PHP frameworks provide great tools for migration; however, the tools in Laravel framework enables programmers to include seeders for smooth and easy transfer of initial data. So, Laravel often comes handy for data testing as well as for static directory filling. In Yii 2, users are given migrations for doing that.
  • Security: Both the frameworks – Laravel and Yii 2 offer great tools to work with authentication, passwords, safety from SQL injections, Cross-Site Request Forgery and Cross Site Scripting etc. Though in Laravel, you don’t get sufficient tools for access control. However, you can take help of several extension packages that are easily available with it.
  • Form Validation: The Laravel PHP framework and Yii 2 framework include a feature of form validation; however, implementation of it in both is completely different. The Yii 2 is connected to a class of model or form as it enables one to organize rules straight in the form and review it as per specified rules after gathering data and filling it in ActiveRecord. To change a section in model data, there is different form. Hence, it makes compulsory for users to create a particular class or to utilize validation scripts. It is certainly not an issue unless there is no need to validate few values directly in the controller and make a custom verification solution, and not to utilize an already built ready-made solution.

This is the point where Laravel steals the show as the validator exists in this framework acts like a particular assisting class. Validation of any data at any place and any time is very much possible here. In addition, it allows programmers to increase Eloquent class using your own solutions. Hence, it gives convenience to users as compared to Yii 2.

Final Words

So, this is all about Laravel Vs Yii 2 PHP frameworks. Although, they two have many similarities yet the differences are also significant. At some parts, Yii beats Laravel, but in most of the parts, Laravel emerges as the better framework as compared to Yii 2. Though the selection of any framework depends on the need of the project and hence, whatsoever your requirements are, just choose the best always.


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