Web Development

Joomla 1.6 Beta 8 Now Available at joomla.org

The Joomla Project is proud to announce the immediate availability of Joomla 1.6 beta 8 (download). IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a beta version and is not intended to run any type of production site. It is intended to be used for evaluation purposes only.

Joomla1.6 beta 8 Logo
Copyright: joomla.org

Since the Joomla 1.6 beta 7 release on August 9, we have fixed approximately 90 issues in the tracker. This progress is directly related to the continued efforts of the Joomla! Bug Squad. Thanks for all your hard work in bringing us one increment closer to stable!

See the CHANGELOG for details of what has been changed in this release.

What’s next?

This is the eighth in our series of continuous beta releases. Beta 9 will be released on September 6, 2010.

Download here: http://joomlacode.org/gf/project/joomla/frs/?action=FrsReleaseBrowse&frs_package_id=5378

Source: Joomla.org

Copy Right : Joomla.org


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