Tips & Tricks

11 Quick Tips: Securing Your WordPress Site

In this post I have explained about securing the wordpress site with few Quick Tips. This tips covers verious points like protecting files, protecting important folders, protecting the database, etc.

Recently I have started writing for tutsplus network. As wordpress is a big interest of mine I have submitted one article to before few days.

One of the article is plublished on that site now.

In this post I have explained about securing the wordpress site with few Quick Tips. This tips covers verious points like protecting files, protecting important folders, protecting the database, etc.

Tips which I have covered are as below:

01) Stay Updated
02) Create Custom Secret Keys for Your wp-config.php File
03) Change the Database Prefix
04) Protect Your wp-config.php File
05) Protect Your .htaccess File
06) Hide Your WordPress Version
07) Install WordPress Security Scan Plugin
08) Limit The Number of Failed Login Attempts
09) Ask Apache Password Protect
10) Don’t Use “admin” As Your Username (and Pick Strong Passwords)
11) Last but not Least, Backup!

You can find the full article at below URL

Securing your WordPress site

  • itoctopus
    December 6, 2011 at 6:07 pm

    Hi Avinash ,

    I think the best thing to do is to change the permissions to 444 to all files in your WordPress directory (except for those that need to be written by WordPress).

  • itoctopus
    December 20, 2019 at 2:52 pm

    Hi Avinash ,

    I think the best thing to do is to change the permissions to 444 to all files in your WordPress directory (except for those that need to be written by WordPress).

  • […] Prefix Posted by Avinash on Dec 19, 2011 in WordPress, WordPress Tricks | 0 comments In one of my earlier post I have mentioned that it is good to change the wordpress database prefix to secure your wordpress […]


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