Web Server

WordPress URL Rewrite for Zeus Web Server

In this article we will see how to make WordPress URL Rewrite work on Zeus Web Server. Mostly you will find this web server on Namesco Hosting Provider.

When I have delt with this hosting company, I was not sure that they are using Zeus Web Server for Linux Hosting. When I have checked, I have found that URL rewriting was not working for one of the wordpress website.

I was thinking that it is problem with Apache’s rewrite module, but suddenly I found that current hosting has Zeus Web Server and not the Apache.

So after bit search on Google I have found the solution. Just like an [code].htaccess[/code] file on Zeus Server you need to create [code]rewrite.script[/code] file on web root of the site.

Zeus Server need “rewrite.script” file just like “.htaccess” for Apache

After creating file you need to place below code in that file. I have tested below rules upto latest version of the wordpress. I hope this will be useful for you as well.

[cc lang=”apache”]
# Zeus web server version of basic WordPress
# mod_rewrite rules
map path into SCRATCH:path from %{URL}
look for file at %{SCRATCH:path}
if exists then goto END
look for dir at %{SCRATCH:path}
if exists then goto END
match URL into $ with ^/wp-.*$
if matched then goto END
set URL = /index.php

This works for me like a charm. Hopefully works for you also. Consider sharing this article if this works for you.

  • Fadi (itoctopus)
    August 14, 2012 at 3:15 pm

    Hi Avinash,

    I wonder whether anyone will ever need to rewrite URLs for Zeus (actually I wonder whether anyone is using that web server at all).

    In any case, the syntax in the rewrite file is quite easy – I wish htaccess was that simple!

    • Avinash
      August 14, 2012 at 10:08 pm

      I was actually surprised that client is using the Zeus Server. And after all Client is King, we have to satisfy the needs.

  • Donald Piccione
    June 26, 2013 at 3:51 am

    Hi Avinash,

    I read your post as I recently purchased hosting space with namesco. My rewrite in .htaccess didn’t work so you can understand the story…i had to create the rewrite.script

    I am just wondering if you heard or have any comment regarding Zeus Server. Most of the hosting are using apache. I am not sure if we can say which is better. Providers who are using Zeus states that it is faster than Apache. Maybe you are into this field and can advice? Thanks, Donald

    • Avinash
      June 29, 2013 at 12:12 am

      Hi Donald,

      We have one more web server which is competing with Apache is nginx. I have done some research on both web server before and found that both are good when serving static contents like images, css, js, etc.

      But when it comes to dynamic contents, easy server configuration, larger user base, url rewriting I would suggest having Apache because that is what Apache is built for.

      So my server configuration would be to have static content on another server which have Zeus or nginx and main application runs on another server which have Apache as a Web Server. This way we can get benefits of both the web server.

      I hope this answer justify you question well!!!

      Look forward to your views on this.

      • Donald Piccione
        June 29, 2013 at 3:03 am

        Hi Avinash,

        thanks for your reply. Now I know something more about Zeus :-). It is funny how I couldn’t find anything about Zeus on the Internet.

        Anyway, this morning I found out the hosting company I was referring to in my previous comment added recently the option to use Apache in their virtual servers, so I immediately switched for it and end of the story :-)
        I believe their customers started complaining about this so they had to do something.
        I did just a speed test. and with Apache and using Gzip compression I got 1 second more than Zeus (with Gzip compression active too). Considering I have at the moment just 5 pages and 5 images.


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