Tips & Tricks

Generate Dynamic dummy images with PHP

There can be a cause where you want to display images dynamically like display images in post title, display image in background, etc.

Of course we can do it with PHP GD functions but what if you don’t have to write all that function and you get ready images.

Yes, now we can create dynamic images with

This site provide the service to generate the dynamic images based on the parameters given.

It has many predefined sizes for popular uses (like banner) and works by sending the parameters in the URL Like:×200/333333/fff&text=This+is+a+Dummy+Image+for+Xpert+Developer

Dummy Image for Xpert Developer
Xpert Develoer : Dummy Image generator

You can check the dummy images generated above.

Website :

  • Asif Huddani
    Asif Huddani
    September 2, 2010 at 11:56 am

    Nice One. I really like this…..

  • Manthan Shah
    Manthan Shah
    November 8, 2011 at 5:16 pm


  • […] I have posted about generating dynamic dummy images. This site gives same functionality with some better […]


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