Web Development

4 Ways to Get Magento Homepage URL

Here I comes with one more quick tip for Magento, earlier we have seen tips to detect the pages in Magento. In this article I would like to share 4 ways with which you can get home page URL in Magento.


Among these 4 methods, 3 can be used within the code and 1 method can be useful when you are dealing in admin panel CMS section for Static Blocks.

So let’s don’t waste time and have a look at the code snippets:

Option 1

[cc lang=”php”]
echo $this->getUrl(”);

Option 2

[cc lang=”php”]
echo Mage::getBaseUrl();

Option 3

[cc lang=”php”]
echo Mage::getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_WEB);

Option 4

This option will be used to get the home page URL in static blocks.

[cc lang=”html”]
Link to Homepage URL

If you aware of any other method or ways to get home page URL in Magento then consider sharing to the world by placing the comment, Because Sharing is Caring.


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